Visiting Aristotle - Providing tailored options other than cat boarding, catteries, home visits, for

Aristotle.... was a scrap heap cat.... Another one of the discarded... He started life unwanted, another kit bought to Mount Evelyn Vet Clinic as a stray.
His original name was Edward, this changed to Edward T (short for Teddy) this evolved to Edward T Bearface. He may of spent a short period of time being hand reared in my home, by the kids and me. Which resulted in me being begged to death to keep him, but my steely, cold nature, made me determined that he would go live somewhere else... He was snapped up by a fellow nurse.. (thank god).... and is still a part of our lives :).
Hand reared kits are some of the hardest cats to love as they seem to think that humans are also cats, so they like to exert their important ness and be the “topcat” so to speak.
Handrearing can manifest in some crazy behaviour including aggression. I’ve coped a bit of Aris dominate cat behaviour in the past and so I went in with baited breath.
Sometimes I took Scott with me on visits, cause I knew he could “out energy “ him.
Scott ran him ragged with cat toys and finding treats and more cat toys.
By the end of my visit, Aristotle had decided he didnt really want to chase cat toys, but would rather sit on my lap, stop me crocheting, and sit all cuddled up on my lap, watch the news and have a nice snuggle with me. Needless to say, I loved this too :)
Ive got a couple of more visits coming up with Ari, I know he thrives on Scott coming along and wearing him down, so in Aris case Scott will come along as I know that Scottie is a highlight of Aris day, providing environmental stimulation for a cat that really requires that level of activity.